With the implementation of the Government Transformation Plan (GTP), Economic Transformation Plan (ETP) and Political Transformation Plan (PTP), Dato Seri Najib’s campaign to make Malaysia a developed nation by the year 2020 maybe a reality.
However, the critical question to ask is “are Malaysians ready to be a developed nation?”
Will the first class infrastructures and skyscrapers match the mentality of the citizens of Malaysia? The honest answer to this is obviously NO! Sadly majority of us in Malaysia still have a third world mentality.
In Dr Mahathir’s eagerness to build the magnificent Putrajaya structures, he must have forgotten to pay special attention to the people that would run and operate these buildings, the people that would administer the country.
Universities were built but there was minimal emphasis on the quality of lecturers that would teach the students. The 2 minute instant “Maggie” method was and is still being used to train and educate our children. Thus, resulting in tens of thousands of local graduates that are not marketable, graduates that cannot communicate effectively and graduates that lack confidence.
As a Malaysian, it pains me to see my fellow Malaysians not being able to compete on an equal level playing field despite going to Universities. I don’t blame the students, but I do blame the people that educate these students.
I fail to understand why specific actions are not taken to resolve and tackle these issues. We know what the problem is and yet we continue to sweep matters under the carpet. A Human Resource Transformation Plan (HRTP) is clearly needed help achieve the other transformation plans.
I sincerely hope Dato Najib’s administration will address this very pertinent issue that may make or break this Nation.
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